Thursday 21 August 2014

From Marking to Markets

We were all looking forward to our first free day of the trip last Sunday – the plan was to laze in bed (nursing our sore heads from the night out in Alex) until the last breakfast calls (and some of us were prepared to miss breakfast altogether). The intention was then to fully emerge eventually from our rooms for lunch, when we would just chill, possibly do a bit of marking and planning (if we felt like it) and watch TV.

In the end, we woke up bright and early for breakfast (well most of us did anyway!), went to the mall to do photocopying and returned at lunch, when we decided that a market was an appropriate way to spend our afternoon. So, rather spontaneously, we took taxis to Rosebank Market, a rooftop market about a 20 minute drive away. I must admit that I was in my element amongst the stalls, stands and displays, and walked away with heavy bags and a lighter purse (they were all presents of course). I practised my haggling. I feel my greatest achievement was purchasing two genuine paintings (not prints!) for R120, which is about £7. But what I probably enjoyed most was our lunch out on the terrace, where we enjoyed live music, cocktails and a spectacular rooftop view of Jo’burg.

I wish we had more time and could go back there, but if I ever get the chance to visit Jo’burg again, I will definitely take a trip back to Rosebank.

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