Monday 21 July 2014

I'm here!

So, over the last few days, I have been a bit of a hermit, trying to pack everything, whilst also planning and creating teaching resources to take out there (I know everything I've planned will go completely out of the window when I get to the Phefeni Senior Secondary School - but hey!)

I also couldn't resist the urge to buy personalised stickers - no matter how old you are, you will always love stickers.

But now, after months of fundraising preparation and an 11 hour flight (only Leonardo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street could keep me sane) I am finally here! We touched down at 9 this morning, and after a brief meeting at the University here, we unpacked our stuff at JeanJean guest house and spent the rest of the day settling in and acclimatising (it is absolutely freezing!).

There will be more photos to come, I promise, but I am tired and I have a 5.30am start. I have my first day at school tomorrow (I never thought I'd be saying that again!), and I am absolutely terrified. Wish me luck!

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