Thursday 3 July 2014

16 days to go!

So in just over two weeks I will be starting my journey to Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa. It will be an incredible life experience, and I can't wait! But there is of course a little bit of me that is absolutely terrified.

As many of you already know, Soweto will be my new home for 6 weeks this summer, as I travel out there to teach maths to underprivileged kids in some of the most struggling schools in Soweto. My mission - to touch the lives of as many children as possible, as they will most certainly touch mine. I want to provide a better future for these children, whose families are living on the breadline. Unfortunately, as in many parts of the world, in Soweto, children only have two paths out of the poverty by which they are surrounded - crime and education. I want to make sure they choose the right path. Follow me here as I help bring them a better education and a brighter future.

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